diwarisi dengan bahasa Inggris
- dengan: by; by taking; given; given the; given this;
- yang diwarisi: inherited
- dengan: by; by taking; given; given the; given this; with; on; take; aboard; past; to; aside; amongst; at; alongside; in the manner of; accompanying; use; away; and; instrument; together; by way of; do with
- While the senorial part always fell to that member of the Dynasty that happened to be senior, the other four Duchies were inherited in the usual way among the descendants of Boleslaw's sons.
Sedangkan bagian senorial selalu jatuh ke tangan anggota wangsa yang kebetulan senior, empat keadipatian lainnya diwarisi dengan cara biasa di antara keturunan putra-putra Bolesław.